© 2007–2024 Patrick Müller
My super 8 film L‘HIVER DE L‘ÉTERNITÉ (THE WINTER OF ETERNITY) will be screening in the section Program 02: RECOLLECTIONS as part of the Revolutions Per Minute Festival
Sept. 28th, 9PM
Goethe-Institut Boston, 170 Beacon Street, Boston, MA 02116.
Many thanks to the Revolutions Per Minute Festival Selection Committee & the entire RPM team, especially Wenhua Shi and Benny Shaffer! RPM 2023 is co-hosted by Art and Art History Department and Cinema Studies at UMass-Boston, Goethe-institut Boston, Brattle Theatre in Cambridge & HARVARD FAS CAMLab.
“Revolutions per Minute festival is dedicated to short-form poetic, personal, experimental film, video and audiovisual performance.”
Thanks to the Valérie Hendrich for the voice-over narration and to Ensemble C for their original music.