© 2007–2025 Patrick Müller
Film by Patrick Müller based on the book Citadelle by Antoine de Saint-Exupéry
Germany, 2022, Super 8, 8 Min.
Narration: Valérie Hendrich
German Translation: Patrick Müller
Camera: Leicina 8SV DS8
Film stock: Fuji Velvia 50D (GK Film)
4K Transfer: Ochoypico, Madrid
Film processing: Patrick Müller
Shot on location on Gozo, Malta, 2017.
Music: Ensemble C, Chemnitz
EN: THE WINTER OF ETERNITY: What's the meaning of life? How do I find my way? In his existential philosophy work CITADELLE, Antoine de Saint-Exupéry posthumously gives us uncomfortable answers.
DE: DER WINTER DER EWIGKEIT: Was ist der Sinn des Lebens? Wie finde ich meinen Weg? In seinem existenzphilosophischen Werk CITADELLE gibt uns Antoine de Saint-Exupéry postum unbequeme Antworten.
FR: Quel est le sens de la vie ? Comment trouver son chemin ? Dans CITADELLE, son œuvre posthume, Antoine de Saint-Exupéry nous donne des réponses dérangeantes.
BRA: O INVERNO DA ETERNIDADE: Qual é o significado da vida? Como encontro o meu caminho? Em sua obra de filosofia existencial "CITADELLE", Antoine de Saint-Exupéry nos dá respostas desconfortáveis postumamente.