Film by Patrick Müller based on a poem by Gustaf Fröding
DE: Schilf, Schilf, rausche: Der schwedische Dichter Gustaf Fröding (1860–1911) erklärt in seiner Geschichte von leidenschaftlicher Liebe und herzzerreißender Trauer das Ertrinken der schönen Ingalill. Die Worte finden ihr Pendant in Schwarz-Weiß-Bildern, aufgenommen mit einer alten 16mm-Filmkamera.
EN: Sigh, rushes, sigh: In his tale of passionate love and heartbreaking grief, Swedish poet Gustaf Fröding (1860–1911) explains the drowning of the beautiful Ingalill. The words find its counterpart in black and white images, shot with an old 16mm film camera.
FR: Roseaux, roseaux, soupirez: Dans son récit d'amour passionné et de chagrin déchirant, le poète suédois Gustaf Fröding (1860–1911) explique la noyade de la belle Ingalill. Les mots trouvent leur contrepartie dans des images en noir et blanc, prises avec un ancien caméra argentique 16mm.
Germany, 2018, 3 Min, 16mm.
Text: Gustaf Fröding, Voice: Klaus-Rüdiger Utschick, Camera: Krasnogorsk 3, Film stock: Fomapan R100, Processing: Andec Filmtechnik, Telecine 4K: Ochoypico, Madrid. Filmed at Rügen, 2018.
Making of: “Sigh, Rushes, Sigh”: Poetry filming on Rügen
Filmprojekt: Schilf, Schilf, rausche In: Zeitschrift Cine 8–16, Nr. 47, Ausgabe September 2018, S. 14–15
Digital film file (HD), DCP, 16mm (33m)
Museum Gunzenhauser, Chemnitz
31.12.2018 One-Reeler Short Film Competition, Los Angeles
16.11.2018 18. Flensburger Kurzfilmtage, Flensburg, Germany (Official Selection)
20.10.2018 19th Kerry Film Festival (KFF), Killarney, Co. Kerry, Ireland (Official Selection)
20.09.2018 Great Lakes International Film Festival, USA (Official Selection)
SPECIAL MENTION @ One-Reeler Short Film Competition
Dave Bonta,
Moving Poems, 6.3.2018:
“There was a lively discussion on the Poetry Film Live Facebook group the other day about whether and when it’s appropriate to use illustration in a poetry film. I think this film strikes the perfect balance between illustration (it wouldn’t have made sense not to begin and end with rushes on a lake shore) and suggestion (the girl’s drowning is only briefly hinted at in the visuals). The film with its black-and-white, 16mm graininess not only conveys but intensifies the melancholy mood of the text. Such illustration as it includes doesn’t tame or trivialize the poem but contributes to an over-all ostranenie.”
Vimeo, Jordan Shankman, 26.11.2018: “Beautiful work. Feels like a love letter to Bergman!”