© 2007–2025 Patrick Müller
Roanoke, Virginia, USA, 2020
Am 29.02.2020 läuft mein Kurzfilm The Garden im Wettbewerb auf dem 10th MystiCon Independent Film Festival.
Saturday, February 29 • 7:30am - 10:15am
War for Keyboard Warriors by Lam Can-zhao (0:02:27)
Doctor, Doctor by Paul Brennan (0:02:51)
Prometheus by Zachos Samoladas (0:10:14) WP
All the Wrong Things in All the Right Places by Peter Sacco (0:03:48)
Pei's Morocco Vlog by FangLing Pei (0:03:09) WP
Little Girl Lost by Abigail Gitsham (0:04:08)
Astronaut (by Jelly Bean) (0:05:21) WP
Aeons by John F. Thomas (0:04:25)
Monolog by Selin Akalin (0:03:30)
Johnny & The Devil by Matty Jorissen (0:05:00)
In a Better Place by E. D. Mead (0:03:21)
The Garden by Patrick Muller (0:05:00)
A Grave Misunderstanding by Alejandra Keogan (0:03:55)
Beat the Bastards by Laurent Mercier (0:04:30)
Alive by Gon Halevi (0:03:35)
Confessions of a Whittler by Sarvshrest Singh (0:04:22) WP
Moby - Mistake by Kevin Hindriks (0:03:45)
Soma by Sandra Jovanovska (0:09:05)
The Raven by Damien Draven (0:13:00) WP
I'm Not Feeling Very Well by Suncana Brkulj (0:03:32)
Tone Death by Sinead Stoddart (0:03:50)
The Quiet by Radheya Jegatheva (0:10:00) WP
Mask Anatomica: "Let Me Out" by Chris Young (0:05:00) WP
The Odyssey of Clive Eaton by Kevin Webb (0:03:45)
Electric Labryth by Petra Brnardic (0:03:58) WP
12 Sided Die by Curtis Fortier (0:30:16)
In the Light by Mickey Moone (0:04:14) WP
Though most of these films are animated, they are not meant for children under 12 of age.
Total Running Time: 2:40:16
Followed by a brief Q & A panel
WP = World Premier