© 2007–2025 Patrick Müller

10th MystiCon Independent Film Festival

Roanoke, Virginia, USA, 2020

Am 29.02.2020 läuft mein Kurzfilm The Garden im Wettbewerb auf dem 10th MystiCon Independent Film Festival.

Saturday, February 29 • 7:30am - 10:15am

War for Keyboard Warriors by Lam Can-zhao (0:02:27)
Doctor, Doctor by Paul Brennan (0:02:51)
Prometheus by Zachos Samoladas (0:10:14) WP
All the Wrong Things in All the Right Places by Peter Sacco (0:03:48)
Pei's Morocco Vlog by FangLing Pei (0:03:09) WP
Little Girl Lost by Abigail Gitsham (0:04:08)
Astronaut (by Jelly Bean) (0:05:21) WP
Aeons by John F. Thomas (0:04:25)
Monolog by Selin Akalin (0:03:30)
Johnny & The Devil by Matty Jorissen (0:05:00)
In a Better Place by E. D. Mead (0:03:21)
The Garden by Patrick Muller (0:05:00)
A Grave Misunderstanding by Alejandra Keogan (0:03:55)
Beat the Bastards by Laurent Mercier (0:04:30)
Alive by Gon Halevi (0:03:35)
Confessions of a Whittler by Sarvshrest Singh (0:04:22) WP
Moby - Mistake by Kevin Hindriks (0:03:45)
Soma by Sandra Jovanovska (0:09:05)
The Raven by Damien Draven (0:13:00) WP
I'm Not Feeling Very Well by Suncana Brkulj (0:03:32)
Tone Death by Sinead Stoddart (0:03:50)
The Quiet by Radheya Jegatheva (0:10:00) WP
Mask Anatomica: "Let Me Out" by Chris Young (0:05:00) WP
The Odyssey of Clive Eaton by Kevin Webb (0:03:45)
Electric Labryth by Petra Brnardic (0:03:58) WP
12 Sided Die by Curtis Fortier (0:30:16)
In the Light by Mickey Moone (0:04:14) WP

Though most of these films are animated, they are not meant for children under 12 of age.

Total Running Time: 2:40:16

Followed by a brief Q & A panel

WP = World Premier
